Terms of use

Ywam Herrnhut uses the 3rd party payment platform, Stripe, the Stripe API, and in conjunction, your Stripe account to process credit and debit card transactions for your Ywam Herrnhut payment. Ywam Herrnhut is a “Partner Application” as defined in the Stripe Terms of Service.

By using this payments gateway and agreeing to the Terms of Service, You also agree to be bound by Stripe’s Terms of Service.

You expressly understand and agree that Ywam Herrnhut shall not be liable for any payments and monetary transactions that occur through Your use of the Service. You expressly understand and agree that all payments and monetary transactions are handled by Stripe. You agree that Ywam Herrnhut shall not be liable for any issues regarding financial and monetary transactions between You and any other party, including Stripe.

You are responsible for all transactions (one-time, recurring, and refunds) processed through the Service and/or Stripe. Ywam Herrnhut is not liable for loss or damage from errant or invalid transactions processed with Your Stripe account. This includes transactions that were not processed due to a network communication error, or any other reason. If You process a transaction, it is Your responsibility to verify that the transaction was successfully processed.

You understand that Ywam Herrnhut uses the Stripe API to run the Service and that the Stripe API is subject to change at any time and such changes may adversely affect the Service. You understand and agree to not hold Ywam Herrnhut liable for any adverse effects that actions (whether intentional or unintentional) on the part of Stripe may cause to Your Stripe account, Your Ywam Herrnhut payment, or Your business.

You must not process stolen credit cards, or unauthorized credit cards through Stripe and/or this gateway.

Zahlung per Kreditkarte

Die Abwicklung der Zahlungsart Kreditkartenzahlung erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd., c/o A&l Goodbody, Ifsc, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland (im Folgenden: “Stripe”), unter Geltung der Stripe-Nutzungsbedingungen, einsehbar unter https://stripe.com/de/terms, an die der Verkäufer seine Zahlungsforderung abtritt. Stripe zieht den Rechnungsbetrag vom angegebenen Kreditkartenkonto des Kunden ein. Im Falle der Abtretung kann nur an Stripe mit schuldbefreiender Wirkung geleistet werden. Die Belastung der Kreditkarte erfolgt umgehend nach Absendung des Formulars auf payments.ywamherrnhut.com.

Last updated: Sept 2017